ssl certificate monitoring

A Richer Experience

First, we would like to thank you for all the great feedback. We understand that you love Awakish, and your opinions are crucial for our development team.

We have just released a major update for Awakish. The number of improvements in user experience are many, but a few highlights include:

  1. You can now set up monitoring of Uptime and SSL at the same time – to save you even more time! You will also be able to set up monitoring from several locations at the same time.
  2. Intelligent URL redirection. This means we have made it easier to enter a correct URL and Awakish will automatically correct minor address errors.

Awakish has just become better! We hear every day from our customers that this is a highly-appreciated tool for detecting when websites are down and we will keep on investing in improvements.

If you have not visited Awakish lately, please log in and give it a try. We can ensure you that this user experience is far better.

However, better is not good enough – we want to constantly improve and receive feedback from our users. We have found this kind of information to be very influential, as it gives us direction for our ongoing development.

Regards, Per

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