Insider tips – get the whole picture of how your systems are performing with Monitoring Groups
There are several great features in Awakish. Some stand out enough that they deserve attention. One feature that we’re very proud of is....
What Matters Most in Monitoring
There are several important features to consider when you’re picking a solution for monitoring your servers, websites and certificates. Which matters most to you and your busines....
SSL Certificates? We Have Your Back.
You Should Use Awakish to Monitor Your Cloud (here’s 10 reasons why)
Are you thinking about trying a new approach for monitoring your cloud? Welcome to Awakish. You’ve come to the right place. 1. Installation is simply agent-less
Press release AWAKISH
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LAUNCHING AWAKISH – A NEW APPROACH FOR MONITORING YOUR CLOUD July 14, 2019 – Redmond, WA – We are proud to launch Awakish today.