why uptime important for your business

Five Common Questions About Uptime Monitoring Tools

If you are a digital business owner, it is imperative that you are familiar with the concept of website uptime/downtime monitoring and its impact on your brand image and revenue. We’ve got some of the FAQs covered here just so you have your basics clear!

1. What exactly is website uptime monitoring?

Website uptime monitoring is a system that checks to see if your website is up and operating from the countries you specify. This relieves you of the hassle of obsessively checking for downtime, manual errors, or having your clients notifying you that your services are inaccessible.

The best feature of uptime monitoring services is that you can specify how frequently you want your site to be checked. Awakish provides a host of different subscription plans- right from free website uptime monitoring tools to customized plans that work best for your business.

2. What advantages can uptime monitoring provide me?

Website uptime monitoring service assists you as a business owner by ensuring that your site does not go offline for an extended period of time. It is important to remember that one of the leading causes of revenue and customer loss is website downtime. Disgruntled customers and visitors will post scathing reviews without any hesitation if your site is down for an extended period of time, ultimately killing any scope of growth due to bad word of mouth.

Long periods of downtime results in a negative impression on visitors and clients which can be difficult to overcome. After all, who wants their website to be perceived as amateurish and untrustworthy? Your customer base will hop onto your competitor’s services in a blink.

Diagnostic reports detailing status codes, ping tests, and geolocation evaluations can be provided by uptime monitoring services. These reports allow you to quickly and easily identify the problem and resolve any difficulties so that your site may resume normal operations.

3. What are the IP addresses of the locations for uptime monitoring?

If you are installing a firewall or another form of security system on your site, you may need the IP addresses of any places that are monitoring your site. This is to ensure that there are no glitches and that the regions chosen for monitoring your site are not prevented from doing their job. It is essential since you do not want misleading uptime reports for your website.

4. What are some types of errors during website downtime?

There are many types of errors that affect your website’s uptime. Some of them are:

  • Connection refused – When the server declines to establish a connection.
  • Response too slow – In this circumstance, the connection to the site is established, but the server fails to respond within the time limit.
  • Invalid port – The port provided in the application to be validated is either invalid or unresponsive.
  • No response – A generic error that occurs when the server does not respond to the request in any way. This could be due to a firewall, a lack of internet connectivity, a power loss at the server, or other factors.

These are only a few of the most prevalent errors. It’s important to understand that there are other types of errors that can occur too.

5. How will I find out why my website is down?

You will be notified immediately through emails if your website goes down. You may receive an error status that is as specific as possible based on the information provided and can point you to the website issue. Unknown hosts, matching error messages, and receiving no answer are all very common causes of problems. All error statuses are clearly stated, allowing you to work rapidly to remedy the issue and restore your site.

Got you covered!

Awakish offers a wide range of advanced uptime monitor tools so you never have to worry about the operational status of your services. Get in touch with us to know more!

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